Wednesday, June 01, 2016

The Antithesis

The cacophony. The sounds. The discord.

She loved it all.

She stood watching the city on the move. The noisy, smoke spewing cars on the street. The horns that never stopped singing. The desire of the people on the street, trying to reach some place without another man to rely on. The metro train that kept going back and forth. Like a little boy's toy with no purpose in sight. The stores around the corner. Empty at that hour, with the fans jarring the nerves of the shopkeeper. The buildings all around. Looking back at her with a passive longing. A hunger. Perhaps the wives were cooking in the kitchen. Perhaps a couple in a clandestine affair, was on the verge of orgasm. Perhaps..

She loved it all.

She wanted to stay back and keep the sounds with herself forever. Live those noises and kill the silence. She wanted to suffer this world for him.

But then she turned around and all she saw, was silence. The vacant bed, shedding tears of loneliness. The water in the bathtub, where she had lain naked a while back, dripping away with a soft little gush. The empty wine glass lying on the table, talking of the emptiness that he had left behind. The heady scent of a just smoked cigarette, mixing with the stale fumes of the many cigarettes that had kissed their lips all that week. The half read books that lay by the bedside. Knowing that their story had moved on to the bed and ended up painting the pure white bedsheet with their hot red desires. The unshed tears for his absence that were trying to tame her coffee-scented passions.

And then the pitch dark silence clung to her soul. Sucking her life out. An incubus she had never known to exist.

She sighed, turned away from the window and left her soul behind.