Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Last Song of Dusk

a sentence from this book...

the only purpose of innocence was that it had to be lost, and the most defining characteristic of love was that it must be longed for.

Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi


Anonymous said...

did i do or say sumthing i should not have?


Sougata said...

What do u think about it? You are the best judge of your own actions..and if you think you may have done a thing that is not right, what prevents you from apologizing? Most certainly that does not diminish our merely makes us human and more sensitive person to me, it is a symbol of being a accept guilt when the chance comes, without equivocation. Rest, call of individual.. do what your heart tells you to...:)

AlterinG Abhishek said...
