Tuesday, September 05, 2006

math facts

* a googol is 10 raised to the power of 100 or 1 followed by 100 zeroes. another very large number is googolplex which is 10 raised to the power of 10 raised to the power of 100 or 10 raised to the power of a googol.

* Abacus is considered as the oldest tool used for mathematical calculations. it was discovered in china some 5000 years ago.

* Thomas Malthus quoted "the world population increases in geometrical ratio and food only in arithmatical ratio."

* Euclid is called the father of geometry. he was a greek mathematician who taught geometry at the Museum of Alexandria in egypt around 300 b.c.

* Archimedes used his inventions to help defend his country. When he was old his country was defeated in a war against romans. he was studying a circle drawn on the sand when an enemy soldier charged into his room.when he shouted "dont step upon my circles", the infuriated soldier slew him with his sword!

* Brahmagupta is considered as the founder of numerical analysis. he framed laws to solve simple and quadratic equations. his famous book is 'brahma sphuta sidhanta'.

* Bhaskara said that if a number is divided by 0 the result is infinity. he is known as the founder of calculus. his famous books are 'siddhanta siromani' and 'karanakutuhala'

interesting isnt this? if anyone knows some site which gives me details of 'bearings' please offline me... thanks

laterzz all


Anonymous said...

Please beware of hazel dream. he is a sexual predator and a stalker. he goes after women living alone in and around mumbai.


sandeip said...

ahan...never guessed u would turn into a facts curator :)

newez...long time...feel nice to visit ur blog again...

Keshi said...

we have an Abacus in our office.

Interesting facts m000nie, tnxxx!


Invincible said...

welcome back (?)
read http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Zero.html for more on zero
you can search wikipedia for practically everything.

tulipspeaks said...

:( okie.. maths is definitely not my fav subjects. *sigghhh


Keshi said...

check out my fun-night pics m000nie :)


Hazel Dream said...

interesting .. but u always vanish for long intervals..
how is life treating you

Keshi said...

hey m000nie I wanna see pics awww...btw where did u party at? lol coming home late is a bummer I know...mum says 'Is this the time a girl comes home?'...but then she always send a cousin bro with us hahahaha!


Keshi said...

no m000nie Im stuck in Sat lol!

Intercontinental ha? COOOOOL! We have to go again when Im there. Feel like hopping on a Qantas right now enroute to Bombay awww...


Keshi said...

I so miss u too m000nieeeeeeee!


Suneet Mitra said...

..well if googol is that number on the cheque I receive...this surely is my fav number...!!

Jim said...

i can educate u on the mating behaviour of peaacocka